Sunday, June 8, 2008

I Kind of Hate Babysitting

Hello, BJ here taking over for a day because TS is on a trip to Arkansas (and I was not allowed to go with her. Something about "power of attorney" and "what if something happened to you".) I think it was because she didn't want to shell out gas money and (more expensive) money for an actual daycare.
See, at the beginning of summer, I had been given two choices: Find a job or babysit the siblings. I chose babysitting because I would be done after the summer was over. I asked for 1-2 weeks off to spend with TS in Arkansas, but they refused. So I am stuck here.

Not all is bad, though. My stapdad is trying to convince my uncles, and grandma to let us stay up there (in Michigan) for a week. I don't know how that is going to happen. If we go by plane, we get to pre-board. Yay!

So I am bored to tears without my beloved TS here to amuse me. DH is no help because she's at church and will be there for a while. You know where I'd really LOVE to go right now?

Best Buy. A quick road trip to Best Buy sounds amazing. Then perhaps a stop at Saturday Matinee. It's the greatest store ever. They literally have every movie in existence, plus anime stuff in the back. Next time I stop there I'll probably buy Urban Legend and Python.

This is why I should be President alongside TS.


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