Monday, September 28, 2009

I Love Myself

Dude, I just had an amazing idea. However, it requires me to remind all of the non-existent readers what a big "South Park" fan I am. ....I like South Park a lot. OK, is that out of the way? Good.

Anyways, in case you haven't heard, a "Family Guy" episode about abortion or something was pulled a couple of months ago.

Now, since a show like "South Park" takes about six days to make and doesn't (in the words of the creators themselves) "sit on the shelf" for a long time, they would probably get away with something like an episode about abortion.

Still following me? Well, most South Park fans know that the creators (Trey Parker & Matt Stone) absolutely despise "Family Guy." So, why not just laugh in their face and make an abortion episode? No doubt Comedy Central would probably air it.

So, um... I just wasted my daily epiphany on that idea.

This is why I should be President.


Friday, September 18, 2009

I Hate Hipsters

Kind of (one of my friends is kind of a hipster... I forgive her).

And elitists. (Cultural ones, that is... intellectual elitism is another subject of which I will rant about another day).

The story: I, being a super-awesome college student, was googling "hot topic sucks" earlier. (By sucks, I refer only to the SHIT they call products. You know, the clothes that last a week before falling apart.)Instead, I found a girl ranting about how Hot Topic is so "mainstream" and that if you want to NOT be "mainstream," you have to shop at thrift stores.

What the fuck?

You don't condemn things just because they are "mainstream." Sure, in my opinion most mainstream music sucks (I know I just jumped from Hot Topic to music... go with it), but not because a lot of people like it. I also know a ton of obscure bands that suck. And, of course, most of my favorites are fairly mainstream.

Even if a band or store is sucky mainstream crap, it's ridiculous to belittle the people that like it. Someone's personal preferences in one are don't determine their entire personality.*

So yeah. I pretty much wrote this blog for the post script.

Peace Out.

*Except for Twilight fans. Only brainless idiots like Twilight. If you like Twilight, it makes you a brainless idiot. Because only a brainless idiot could like Twilight.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I Hate People

I'm sure we probably have more than 1 blog with this particular title, but right now, my faith in humanity is dropping almost as fast as it was during the "TWILIGHT IZ AWSUM!!!111!8589!" Boom of 2006-2008.

OK, I have to wonder, does anybody actually know how to behave themselves these days? Does anyone know what the fuck respect means? (Lol, I put "fuck" and "respect" next to each other in a sentence.) Should I be worried when a Congressman of all people decides to shout during Obama's health care speech? Then attempts to defend himself by saying it was simply reflex.

Now, even I disagree with the including illegal aliens in the health care bill, but there are other, better times to tell OUR PRESIDENT that he's a big, fat, douche-y liar. I mean, I was even peeved a few months ago when someone threw a shoe at President Bush. (I will not, however, deny that I chuckled at the incident.)

So, some of America can't be satisfied with that. Kanye West decided to put the douchebag cherry on top of the douchebag sundae by interrupting Taylor Swift during her acceptance speech at the VMAs and basically telling her she wasn't worthy of the award.

Again, I will admit that Taylor Swift has only simple, but retarded lyrics and catchy tunes going for her music, but even I would have behaved better than that! I may be a total bitch when I'm blogging, but I know when to tone it down in public.

This is why I should be President.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Hate...

Chalk another one up for the TS&BJ hate list: Pro-life looney*, Jill Stanek!

Ts, if you're reading this, you've probably never heard of this woman, but, trust me, I know you will truly despise her as much as I do at this moment.

She's completely insane, believing every word that spews out of her mouth to be true (and how can that be, when being right all the time is a privilege reserved for only TS and I?) and her supporters are just as hypocritical. In fact, as I've observed, her supporters believe it's OK for them to be demeaning and hypocritical, simply because they believe all liberals are that way. They also believe they intimidate liberals and pro-choicers, and that liberals are "cowardly" because they run away from what I like to call, "Internet Blog Comment Arguments." Wow, guys, way to rise above us "childish and cowardly" liberals. (By the way, I've observed this "cowardly" behavior from Stanek herself on Feministing. ;) )

This is why I should be President.


*Disclaimer- This is not to say all pro-lifers are loonies. In my opinion, however, Jill Stanek is most certainly a grade A looney.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Love Brad Pitt


Partial Transcript:

"Would you serve?”

“Yeah. I’m running on the gay marriage, no
religion, legalization and taxation of marijuana platform,” he joked.

That comment drew a measured “OK” from Curry.

“I don’t have a
chance,” Pitt predicted.

He's right- he wouldn't stand a chance. Even with my support, he would still lose, because New Orleans is in the south, a strange place where gay marriage, no religion, and marijuana don't exist.

But what does this say about my future campaign? If Brad Pitt can't win New Orleans, can I win America?

Of course! Brad Pitt may be awesome, but he isn't me.

This is why I should be president.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Love Edward

Watching BJ air-humping cardboard cut-outs of him, that is. We found this in Saturday Matinee, the movie store in the mall:

Note the child in the background... I made BJ do it quick so he wouldn't turn around and see.

This is why I should be president.


Monday, August 10, 2009

I Hate This Shit

I'm attempting, in vain, it seems, to contact my local Werehnberg Theatre so that I can find out if "Ponyo" is showing on Friday.

Damn it, I want to talk to a real fucking person, not some robot who doesn't understand a fucking thing I say.

Are you really that busy that you refuse to talk to customers over the phone? Instead, you give me this unlikable robot woman who asks me to repeat myself, like, once before she gives up on me and I have to go through the whole process of calling the theatre and pressing the numbers all over again.

God, the Nintendo Company is more personal than you! At least I can easily get a hold of a real person on the other line.

This is why I should be President. (No more of this shit!)
