Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Hate...

Chalk another one up for the TS&BJ hate list: Pro-life looney*, Jill Stanek!

Ts, if you're reading this, you've probably never heard of this woman, but, trust me, I know you will truly despise her as much as I do at this moment.

She's completely insane, believing every word that spews out of her mouth to be true (and how can that be, when being right all the time is a privilege reserved for only TS and I?) and her supporters are just as hypocritical. In fact, as I've observed, her supporters believe it's OK for them to be demeaning and hypocritical, simply because they believe all liberals are that way. They also believe they intimidate liberals and pro-choicers, and that liberals are "cowardly" because they run away from what I like to call, "Internet Blog Comment Arguments." Wow, guys, way to rise above us "childish and cowardly" liberals. (By the way, I've observed this "cowardly" behavior from Stanek herself on Feministing. ;) )

This is why I should be President.


*Disclaimer- This is not to say all pro-lifers are loonies. In my opinion, however, Jill Stanek is most certainly a grade A looney.

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