Monday, November 3, 2008

I Hate Tyra

So, as you may know, I follow America's Next Top Model every Wednesday, and let me tell you...


Why the hell did they send Sheena home and not Elina? What has Eline done lately? Nothing. Sheena had a better commercial, a better face in her picture, and doesn't tick me off every episode.

Why, Tyra? Why?! I cannot see any justice in this! Elina is no longer capable of taking a good photo! Plus, she's a cynical, pissy, brooding nothing who practically refused to take criticism in this episode. No more faith in humanity. No more...

Anyways... on a lighter note, I decided to do a live blog while I watch the finale. It'll be a special treat.

For the two people that read this...

Well, I'll still be commenting live about the last three contestants (which better not be Elina). I'm really rooting for Annaleigh, McKey, and Marjorie. Finally, I picked a girl (Annaleigh) who actually made it this far. Last time I was Team Stacey-Ann, and I was NOT happy when the girl who didn't even have a photo to show was picked over her.

This is why I should be President.


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