Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stephen King Hates Twilight

For real!!! Stephen King, whom I adore, hates You-Know-What (... I know I just said it...) Check out his interview:

He says:
"...The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good."

I haven't been through all of the comments, but the first one made me crack up. In it, a 24 year old college graduate disses King:

"King is demented and once he quits writing his books will fade away. I don't see any lit teachers doing a section on him in the future.
I'm am 24, female, with a college degree and I loved the twilight books."

Because Twilight will definitely be discussed by lit teachers... and that will be the day that my children shall be homeschooled.

Stephen King has more talent in the proton on the nucleus of the smallest cell on his pinky than Stephenie Meyer has, or could dream of having, in her whole body (not an exaggeration).

This is why I should be president.

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