Why? Because it's saving Disney, that's why. These days, Disney can't do anything without Pixar by their side. They just milk all of their classic cartoons with sequels. Not to mention the sequels have plots very similar to bad fanfiction. I read this story called "The Ghost of Gaston" and it wouldn't surprise me if a Disney animator stumbled across the story saying "This is BRILLIANT! I have found the script to our next crappy sequel!"
And they'll make more money on it because children are stupid.
Well, around lunch time we'll be off to see Wall-E at the greatest theatre in Belleville (yes, I spell theatre/theater the British way). Four dollars to see the movie as opposed to the eight dollars I'd have to pay at Wehrenburg. Their snacks are cheaper, too.
So I guess we'll have a review of Wall-E along with the long awaited political blog we should be writing to match the username. (Hellooo, "TS for President") We'll discuss the presidential candidates and why they both totally SUCK compared to me.
This is why I should be President
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
That's better. Anyways... I just found out that Matt Stone has the exact same birth date as my biological father. Matt Stone (co-creator of South Park) is the most amazing person ever because well... it's South Park.
This is why I should be President (alongside TS)
That's better. Anyways... I just found out that Matt Stone has the exact same birth date as my biological father. Matt Stone (co-creator of South Park) is the most amazing person ever because well... it's South Park.
This is why I should be President (alongside TS)
Friday, June 13, 2008
I Love Bad Luck
Friday the 13th is unlucky? I got hot wings and pizza today, so the freak who came up with that retarded idea needs to stick his head in a toilet.
TS went to the water park so her day couldn't have been all that bad. She only got a little water up her nose. Wait, we're on the phone and apparently her grandparents' dog just farted and it smells REALLY bad. Hm... maybe whoever said it was an unlucky day wasn't so crazy after all...? Also, she said it was supposed to rain today, but it was nice and sunny for the water park. Now TS is telling her grandparents' dog to "do her business". (She's a cat-lover, folks). Now the dog is drinking nasty stuff out of the bowl and it is about to storm.
I, on the other hand am content at computer, writing this blog. I get to torture my friend, DH and make her watch scary movies with me. (After all, I had to watch 'Jumper' with her today. Actually, I've made her watch everything from "Phantom of the Opera" to "Scream".) "Scream" scared her. Can you believe it? It's supposed to be funny but she's a wimp.
TS agrees.
This is why I should be President (alongside TS)
P.S.-- A political blog next.
TS went to the water park so her day couldn't have been all that bad. She only got a little water up her nose. Wait, we're on the phone and apparently her grandparents' dog just farted and it smells REALLY bad. Hm... maybe whoever said it was an unlucky day wasn't so crazy after all...? Also, she said it was supposed to rain today, but it was nice and sunny for the water park. Now TS is telling her grandparents' dog to "do her business". (She's a cat-lover, folks). Now the dog is drinking nasty stuff out of the bowl and it is about to storm.
I, on the other hand am content at computer, writing this blog. I get to torture my friend, DH and make her watch scary movies with me. (After all, I had to watch 'Jumper' with her today. Actually, I've made her watch everything from "Phantom of the Opera" to "Scream".) "Scream" scared her. Can you believe it? It's supposed to be funny but she's a wimp.
TS agrees.
This is why I should be President (alongside TS)
P.S.-- A political blog next.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
I Kind of Hate Babysitting
Hello, BJ here taking over for a day because TS is on a trip to Arkansas (and I was not allowed to go with her. Something about "power of attorney" and "what if something happened to you".) I think it was because she didn't want to shell out gas money and (more expensive) money for an actual daycare.
See, at the beginning of summer, I had been given two choices: Find a job or babysit the siblings. I chose babysitting because I would be done after the summer was over. I asked for 1-2 weeks off to spend with TS in Arkansas, but they refused. So I am stuck here.
Not all is bad, though. My stapdad is trying to convince my uncles, and grandma to let us stay up there (in Michigan) for a week. I don't know how that is going to happen. If we go by plane, we get to pre-board. Yay!
So I am bored to tears without my beloved TS here to amuse me. DH is no help because she's at church and will be there for a while. You know where I'd really LOVE to go right now?
Best Buy. A quick road trip to Best Buy sounds amazing. Then perhaps a stop at Saturday Matinee. It's the greatest store ever. They literally have every movie in existence, plus anime stuff in the back. Next time I stop there I'll probably buy Urban Legend and Python.
This is why I should be President alongside TS.
See, at the beginning of summer, I had been given two choices: Find a job or babysit the siblings. I chose babysitting because I would be done after the summer was over. I asked for 1-2 weeks off to spend with TS in Arkansas, but they refused. So I am stuck here.
Not all is bad, though. My stapdad is trying to convince my uncles, and grandma to let us stay up there (in Michigan) for a week. I don't know how that is going to happen. If we go by plane, we get to pre-board. Yay!
So I am bored to tears without my beloved TS here to amuse me. DH is no help because she's at church and will be there for a while. You know where I'd really LOVE to go right now?
Best Buy. A quick road trip to Best Buy sounds amazing. Then perhaps a stop at Saturday Matinee. It's the greatest store ever. They literally have every movie in existence, plus anime stuff in the back. Next time I stop there I'll probably buy Urban Legend and Python.
This is why I should be President alongside TS.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I Hate Twilight
I am writing this as a rebuttal to my friend Pan's blog on the book Twilight. According to Pan, Twilight is an amazing book with a few flaws. Well, in my opinion, Twilight is an overrated, sorry excuse for a novel with a few redeeming features.
Before I start, first let me say that I don't think Twilight is the worst book ever written. I just feel that it's undeserved popularity warrants a blog entry (or two). So here we go.
Before I start, first let me say that I don't think Twilight is the worst book ever written. I just feel that it's undeserved popularity warrants a blog entry (or two). So here we go.
Disclaimer: You DO NOT have to go by what I say in this journal. It is MY opinion, and I could care less if you like Twilight. Please don't let one bad review stop you from picking up something you could potentially like.
1. The main characters alone bug the hell out of me. What? Bella's supposedly the most mature and beautiful female in the whole school? Edward constantly reminds her that humans are shallow creatures. And he's right. If he could read Bella's mind, he'd dump her in a heartbeat. Their whole relationship is based on 'his shining, mesmerizing amber eyes' and 'her blood smells good and I can't probe around in her mind like the pervert vampire I am'. There is absolutely NOTHING appealing about Bella, yet five guys fall for her, and every guy in the school seems to lust after her.
2. The secondary characters are cardboard cut-outs that are there solely to make the Mary-Sue and Gary-Stu look good. There are only two characters that actually help the non-existent plot move along. For about 20-50 pages of the 500 page book. The other 450 pages happen to be Bella describing how 'perfect' Edward is.'
3. Which brings me to my next point: The authoress is constantly reminding us of certain things. The most notable examples are:
Edward's 'perfection'
The 'thunderous volume' of Bella's super old and crappy truck
How clumsy and pessimistic Bella really is. (Remember this, it's important... sort of)
Picture something like this in your head: "I went to school. Edward almost ran me over with his Volvo. When it almost ran me down, I couldn't help but stare at his mesmerizing amber eyes. Then he dropped me off back at home. I couldn't talk to him in the car because his eyes were so mesmerizing. I got into some danger because I lurked into a dark corner like the dumbass Mary-Sue I am. Edward saved me. Did I mention his eyes sparkled like amber?"
Ladies and gentlemen... that is Bella's point of view.
4. Remember how I said she constantly reminded us that Bella is clumsy? Well, that chick must have some kind of neurological problem or something, because she apparently CAN'T WALK RIGHT! She is always tripping over her own two freaking feet and everybody just thinks it's OHSOADORABLE! Edward constantly carries her to the nurse's office. Yes. He CARRIES her because she is incapable of walking.
5. Her clumsiness is her only 'flaw'. Bella never curses, she is very passive and 'giving', she follows direct orders from just about anybody, and she basically worships the ground Edward walks on. Because, of course, none of her friends like her anymore. She's too busy worshiping her man that she doesn't have any time to spend with her 'shallow' friends.
6. Please stop the angst. Anymore, and I'll slit my own wrists. The whole book revolves around "Oh you are a vampire and I am a human! I don't care it's twu lub!" Or, as Edward puts it, "I can crush your skull anytime I please. I am too dangerous for you."
7. Stephanie Meyer's vampires suck. They are all beautiful, undead cardboard cutouts who happen to have superpowers. They also feed on animal blood instead of human blood and play baseball for a hobby. What the fuck? Forget this, I'm gonna pick up a copy of Interview With a Vampire. Anne Rice seriously need to give Meyer a lesson or two in vampire novels.
8. Horrible morals. Wait, I take that back. I just LOVE all the life lessons Bella presents: If you don't have a man in your life, you are nothing! If you do, however, you are good to go. You don't need ambitions, hobbies, dreams, or even friends! As long as you lick and worship the ground your man walks on, you are A-OK!
Ah, let's not forget Edwards life lessons: "I am the vampire. It doesn't matter if a woman has an opinion, for mine is far superior. Bella doesn't get a say in anything, ever. Let's constantly show her that I am physically superior to her."
9. Awful dialogue. No normal self-respecting teen would speak like they do in Twilight. Bella sounds like a 30 year old trying to impersonate a teenager. Poorly. I think Meyer actually thought of things SHE would say in that situation. Wrong. Instead... What would TS say in that situation?
That part has been censored for OBVIOUS reasons (remember Ann Fucking Coulter).
10. Again, back to the fact that her vampires are not appealing in any way. Edward is not exactly Mr. Personality. I mean, aren't vampires supposed to be provocative, seductive, and alluring? The Cullens (vampire family) are none of these things! The only good characters are the snarky Rosalie and the selfless Carlisle.
11. This story is the biggest lack of creativity I have ever seen in my life. It is every Quizilla vampire story ever written smashed into the sad excuse for a book they call Twilight. I should know... I'm ashamed to say that I've written one. My vampire was bad-ass, though.
12. Bella's so-called 'true love' is total bullshit. You can't fall in love in a month if you barely even know the guy! True love is a slow, awkward process with ups and downs, conflict and many many fluffy moments. She took out the best part of the story by having them immediately fall for one another.
After that, all they do is freaking angst.
13. Bella is a manipulative little... must. resist. cursing uncontrollably (for once). Well, you get the idea. Again, this is adding on to the fact that Bella is not likable in any way, shape, or form. She constantly lies to her father about where she is, even though he shows no dislike for Edward until the second book. When Edward left her, she stuck to Jacob like gum until he came back. Then, she dropped him like a hot sack of potatoes.
See what it does? Now I constantly have to compare relationships in Twilight to food! That's not natural! Actually, it's about as natural as a dry watermelon... CRAP!
14. I, personally, can't see why Bella even likes Edward. He puts her down constantly, whether he means to or not. Meyer said she did not intend for this, which just shows how poor she is at writing relationships. (I subscribed to a thread on another site which shows why Edward is abusive)
15. Because of her publishers, Meyer is not even writing for fun anymore. If she stopped at Twilight (she wrote Twilight because she enjoyed writing, but she is now only writing to rake in more cash) I wouldn't be so angry. I hope she's reading this: Don't. Write. Any. More. Twilight. Books.
16. There is no suspense because the fact that Edward is a vampire is slapped right on the back of the book. Well, if we know the whole book is ruined! If they didn't slap that on the back we wouldn't have found out till page like... 200. That's what books are all about! Pacing and suspense! Since we know he's a vampire, there's no point in reading, because that was what the WHOLE FREAKING BOOK was all about! Like I said: Non-existent plot.
And... Now you know why I hate Twilight! <--- Resisting the urge to put multiple exclamation marks.
This is why I should be president.
-TS and BJ
1. The main characters alone bug the hell out of me. What? Bella's supposedly the most mature and beautiful female in the whole school? Edward constantly reminds her that humans are shallow creatures. And he's right. If he could read Bella's mind, he'd dump her in a heartbeat. Their whole relationship is based on 'his shining, mesmerizing amber eyes' and 'her blood smells good and I can't probe around in her mind like the pervert vampire I am'. There is absolutely NOTHING appealing about Bella, yet five guys fall for her, and every guy in the school seems to lust after her.
2. The secondary characters are cardboard cut-outs that are there solely to make the Mary-Sue and Gary-Stu look good. There are only two characters that actually help the non-existent plot move along. For about 20-50 pages of the 500 page book. The other 450 pages happen to be Bella describing how 'perfect' Edward is.'
3. Which brings me to my next point: The authoress is constantly reminding us of certain things. The most notable examples are:
Edward's 'perfection'
The 'thunderous volume' of Bella's super old and crappy truck
How clumsy and pessimistic Bella really is. (Remember this, it's important... sort of)
Picture something like this in your head: "I went to school. Edward almost ran me over with his Volvo. When it almost ran me down, I couldn't help but stare at his mesmerizing amber eyes. Then he dropped me off back at home. I couldn't talk to him in the car because his eyes were so mesmerizing. I got into some danger because I lurked into a dark corner like the dumbass Mary-Sue I am. Edward saved me. Did I mention his eyes sparkled like amber?"
Ladies and gentlemen... that is Bella's point of view.
4. Remember how I said she constantly reminded us that Bella is clumsy? Well, that chick must have some kind of neurological problem or something, because she apparently CAN'T WALK RIGHT! She is always tripping over her own two freaking feet and everybody just thinks it's OHSOADORABLE! Edward constantly carries her to the nurse's office. Yes. He CARRIES her because she is incapable of walking.
5. Her clumsiness is her only 'flaw'. Bella never curses, she is very passive and 'giving', she follows direct orders from just about anybody, and she basically worships the ground Edward walks on. Because, of course, none of her friends like her anymore. She's too busy worshiping her man that she doesn't have any time to spend with her 'shallow' friends.
6. Please stop the angst. Anymore, and I'll slit my own wrists. The whole book revolves around "Oh you are a vampire and I am a human! I don't care it's twu lub!" Or, as Edward puts it, "I can crush your skull anytime I please. I am too dangerous for you."
7. Stephanie Meyer's vampires suck. They are all beautiful, undead cardboard cutouts who happen to have superpowers. They also feed on animal blood instead of human blood and play baseball for a hobby. What the fuck? Forget this, I'm gonna pick up a copy of Interview With a Vampire. Anne Rice seriously need to give Meyer a lesson or two in vampire novels.
8. Horrible morals. Wait, I take that back. I just LOVE all the life lessons Bella presents: If you don't have a man in your life, you are nothing! If you do, however, you are good to go. You don't need ambitions, hobbies, dreams, or even friends! As long as you lick and worship the ground your man walks on, you are A-OK!
Ah, let's not forget Edwards life lessons: "I am the vampire. It doesn't matter if a woman has an opinion, for mine is far superior. Bella doesn't get a say in anything, ever. Let's constantly show her that I am physically superior to her."
9. Awful dialogue. No normal self-respecting teen would speak like they do in Twilight. Bella sounds like a 30 year old trying to impersonate a teenager. Poorly. I think Meyer actually thought of things SHE would say in that situation. Wrong. Instead... What would TS say in that situation?
That part has been censored for OBVIOUS reasons (remember Ann Fucking Coulter).
10. Again, back to the fact that her vampires are not appealing in any way. Edward is not exactly Mr. Personality. I mean, aren't vampires supposed to be provocative, seductive, and alluring? The Cullens (vampire family) are none of these things! The only good characters are the snarky Rosalie and the selfless Carlisle.
11. This story is the biggest lack of creativity I have ever seen in my life. It is every Quizilla vampire story ever written smashed into the sad excuse for a book they call Twilight. I should know... I'm ashamed to say that I've written one. My vampire was bad-ass, though.
12. Bella's so-called 'true love' is total bullshit. You can't fall in love in a month if you barely even know the guy! True love is a slow, awkward process with ups and downs, conflict and many many fluffy moments. She took out the best part of the story by having them immediately fall for one another.
After that, all they do is freaking angst.
13. Bella is a manipulative little... must. resist. cursing uncontrollably (for once). Well, you get the idea. Again, this is adding on to the fact that Bella is not likable in any way, shape, or form. She constantly lies to her father about where she is, even though he shows no dislike for Edward until the second book. When Edward left her, she stuck to Jacob like gum until he came back. Then, she dropped him like a hot sack of potatoes.
See what it does? Now I constantly have to compare relationships in Twilight to food! That's not natural! Actually, it's about as natural as a dry watermelon... CRAP!
14. I, personally, can't see why Bella even likes Edward. He puts her down constantly, whether he means to or not. Meyer said she did not intend for this, which just shows how poor she is at writing relationships. (I subscribed to a thread on another site which shows why Edward is abusive)
15. Because of her publishers, Meyer is not even writing for fun anymore. If she stopped at Twilight (she wrote Twilight because she enjoyed writing, but she is now only writing to rake in more cash) I wouldn't be so angry. I hope she's reading this: Don't. Write. Any. More. Twilight. Books.
16. There is no suspense because the fact that Edward is a vampire is slapped right on the back of the book. Well, if we know the whole book is ruined! If they didn't slap that on the back we wouldn't have found out till page like... 200. That's what books are all about! Pacing and suspense! Since we know he's a vampire, there's no point in reading, because that was what the WHOLE FREAKING BOOK was all about! Like I said: Non-existent plot.
And... Now you know why I hate Twilight! <--- Resisting the urge to put multiple exclamation marks.
This is why I should be president.
-TS and BJ
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I Hate Fangirls!
Nothing is more satisfying than actually digging your way through the rubble to find good fanfiction. (Stories written based on popular books/shows/movies, etc by fans.) Believe it or not, there are some good titles out there, my favorites being “Bad Places”, “Happy Accident”, and “Serenity”. It took me months to find a decent story. Especially when the rebels of your favorite show have the angst raped out of them, and the cheerful characters are now so positive, angst-y rebels are forced to give them a dose of reality and smack them upside the head. I have learned to avoid those.
Still, it irks me when people feel the need to add their own characters into a story to pursue a romance that would never happen. Let’s use a common example like Harry Potter. Draco Malfoy is not going all mushy for your dumb blue-eyed excuse for a character, end of story. Captain Jack Sparrow isn’t going to be wooed by your amazing ‘lady pirate’ with the uber fighting/sailing/seductive skillz.
Despite this, my worst nightmare has yet to be revealed. This is the very last thing I want to see when I’m looking for a good story to read:
Freddy Krueger + Original Character in a heartfelt... I mean disgusting romance.
I find that disturbing as all h-e-l-l. Anyone who finds THIS attractive needs some serious psychotherapy:
That guy killed children in a past life. Is that seriously the kind of guy you want to date? He’d rather slice you in a dream than take you out to a fancy restaurant and give you flowers. Freddy Krueger is the kind of dude that feeds off fear and misery, so romance is out of the question. Don’t even give me that “she can change him and they’ll live happily ever after”. Makes me sick. I can’t even stand the “Well, it’s one-sided, so she’s not attracted to him”, though I’m sure a few whack jobs out there get off on that kind of stuff. Bottom line, Freddy Krueger is not going to fall in love with you or your character.
Freddy Krueger: Helping out with population control since 1984.
This is why I should be President.
Still, it irks me when people feel the need to add their own characters into a story to pursue a romance that would never happen. Let’s use a common example like Harry Potter. Draco Malfoy is not going all mushy for your dumb blue-eyed excuse for a character, end of story. Captain Jack Sparrow isn’t going to be wooed by your amazing ‘lady pirate’ with the uber fighting/sailing/seductive skillz.
Despite this, my worst nightmare has yet to be revealed. This is the very last thing I want to see when I’m looking for a good story to read:
Freddy Krueger + Original Character in a heartfelt... I mean disgusting romance.
I find that disturbing as all h-e-l-l. Anyone who finds THIS attractive needs some serious psychotherapy:
That guy killed children in a past life. Is that seriously the kind of guy you want to date? He’d rather slice you in a dream than take you out to a fancy restaurant and give you flowers. Freddy Krueger is the kind of dude that feeds off fear and misery, so romance is out of the question. Don’t even give me that “she can change him and they’ll live happily ever after”. Makes me sick. I can’t even stand the “Well, it’s one-sided, so she’s not attracted to him”, though I’m sure a few whack jobs out there get off on that kind of stuff. Bottom line, Freddy Krueger is not going to fall in love with you or your character.
Freddy Krueger: Helping out with population control since 1984.
This is why I should be President.
Monday, June 2, 2008
I Hate Sunburn
Yesterday, BJ and I decided to play tennis and go swimming. We woke up at 9:30, only to discover that I was out of sunscreen. Instead of giving up on our plans of a delightful day outside, we decided to walk to the neighborhood gas station to buy sunscreen. Once we left my apartment, though, BJ realized that she had left her clutch inside. The clutch in which I had put the key.
In an act of desperation, we raced to the apartment office building, hoping to convince management to lend us a key. Alas, as it was Sunday the building was closed until noon. BJ and I trekked back to my apartment in defeat, unsure of our next move. When we arrived back, I attempted to break in using her hair clip. Not only did that not work, but we got the clip stuck in the door. Just as we were about to lose all hope and jump off the building, one of my neighbors walked up. We asked if he would lend us a credit card, and he did. Unfortunately, I could not open the door; so I called our friend Mars. This was the conversation we had:
Me: Hey, Mars. Are you doing anything?
Mars: Yes. I'm about to leave for the Renaissance Fair with my dad.
Me: Oh. Can you stop by my apartment on the way here? BJ and I locked ourselves out.
Luckily, Mars agreed. I'm not sure what I expected her to do, but it was nice having someone we know come over.
A few minutes later, Mars pulled into the parking lot (in full renaissance costume). She, her dad, and her stepmom stepped out of the car. After a few minutes of searching for an acceptable credit card, her stepmom handed a Dillard's card to Mars' dad. Who handed it to Mars, who handed it to BJ... who handed it to me. Sigh. The burden is always placed on me.
Bracing myself, I mentally prepared for the task ahead of me, What if I failed? What if BJ and I were trapped outside in the bitter wilderness for the next two hours? No, I couldn't think of that. I could only try and pray for the best.
After a few moments with no results, I was about to give up. Until... yes! I shoved the credit card in, prying the lock open! Thanking Mars, BJ and I ran in, grabbed her clutch, and walked to the gas station.
Once there, we searched for sunscreen. We didn't find anythng right away, so in a panic we cornered the worker, interrogating him as to the whereabouts of the sunscreen. He pointed us to a remote aisle, one we had already searched but could be hiding the item. We quickly made our way to the aisle. Once there, we looked hard for the sunscreen... but we found only lip balm and condoms. Unfortnately, the protection we wanted was from the sun.
We went back to the counter, lost and confused. When we asked the guy at the counter why we had been unable to locate sunscreen, he told us that they did not carry the item.
In a furious rage, BJ jumped over the counter and began strangling the employee for sending us on a wild goose chase.
We said ok and left. Without sunscreen. So now I have a sunburn, which hurts like the dickens.
This is why I should be President.
In an act of desperation, we raced to the apartment office building, hoping to convince management to lend us a key. Alas, as it was Sunday the building was closed until noon. BJ and I trekked back to my apartment in defeat, unsure of our next move. When we arrived back, I attempted to break in using her hair clip. Not only did that not work, but we got the clip stuck in the door. Just as we were about to lose all hope and jump off the building, one of my neighbors walked up. We asked if he would lend us a credit card, and he did. Unfortunately, I could not open the door; so I called our friend Mars. This was the conversation we had:
Me: Hey, Mars. Are you doing anything?
Mars: Yes. I'm about to leave for the Renaissance Fair with my dad.
Me: Oh. Can you stop by my apartment on the way here? BJ and I locked ourselves out.
Luckily, Mars agreed. I'm not sure what I expected her to do, but it was nice having someone we know come over.
A few minutes later, Mars pulled into the parking lot (in full renaissance costume). She, her dad, and her stepmom stepped out of the car. After a few minutes of searching for an acceptable credit card, her stepmom handed a Dillard's card to Mars' dad. Who handed it to Mars, who handed it to BJ... who handed it to me. Sigh. The burden is always placed on me.
Bracing myself, I mentally prepared for the task ahead of me, What if I failed? What if BJ and I were trapped outside in the bitter wilderness for the next two hours? No, I couldn't think of that. I could only try and pray for the best.
After a few moments with no results, I was about to give up. Until... yes! I shoved the credit card in, prying the lock open! Thanking Mars, BJ and I ran in, grabbed her clutch, and walked to the gas station.
Once there, we searched for sunscreen. We didn't find anythng right away, so in a panic we cornered the worker, interrogating him as to the whereabouts of the sunscreen. He pointed us to a remote aisle, one we had already searched but could be hiding the item. We quickly made our way to the aisle. Once there, we looked hard for the sunscreen... but we found only lip balm and condoms. Unfortnately, the protection we wanted was from the sun.
We went back to the counter, lost and confused. When we asked the guy at the counter why we had been unable to locate sunscreen, he told us that they did not carry the item.
In a furious rage, BJ jumped over the counter and began strangling the employee for sending us on a wild goose chase.
We said ok and left. Without sunscreen. So now I have a sunburn, which hurts like the dickens.
This is why I should be President.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
I Don't Hate Britney Spears!
Sure, she's a mess. A total trainwreck of a celebrity. Even worse than Nicole Richie or Paris Hilton (who did NOTHING to help her out except tell her that she needed to lose 5 pounds).
However, I still like her music (yeah, laugh all you want) and I really hope she gets through all the crap in her life. Admit it, Britney Spears doesn't mope around feeling sorry for herself; she makes comebacks! I kind of admire that, despite her awful condition.
Kevin doesn't care about their children! He dumps them on his parents (who like Britney better) and goes out to improve upon his non-existant career. Face it, nobody cares about K. Fed anymore. Had he not married Britney, he would still be a loser back-up dancer with absolutely no talent and no career ahead of him.
On that note, Justin Timberlake is also a cruel bastard who needs to suck on an egg. Then it will break and he will get salmonella. (I have no clue how to actually spell that disease).
So now I'm listening to "Which Backstreet Boy is Gay?" to get back at him even though I think he was in N*Sync. Honestly, I can't tell the difference. Maroon 5 for the win.
Britney Spears is now trying her hand at acting. She's not doing too bad and she just needs a little practice. So shut up. I agree with Chris Crocker that Britney should be left alone, but I'm kind of disappointed with the attention-whorish way he went about telling the world. Get your emotions of your chest before you post your angry youtube video.
This is why I should be President.
-TS and BJ
However, I still like her music (yeah, laugh all you want) and I really hope she gets through all the crap in her life. Admit it, Britney Spears doesn't mope around feeling sorry for herself; she makes comebacks! I kind of admire that, despite her awful condition.
Kevin doesn't care about their children! He dumps them on his parents (who like Britney better) and goes out to improve upon his non-existant career. Face it, nobody cares about K. Fed anymore. Had he not married Britney, he would still be a loser back-up dancer with absolutely no talent and no career ahead of him.
On that note, Justin Timberlake is also a cruel bastard who needs to suck on an egg. Then it will break and he will get salmonella. (I have no clue how to actually spell that disease).
So now I'm listening to "Which Backstreet Boy is Gay?" to get back at him even though I think he was in N*Sync. Honestly, I can't tell the difference. Maroon 5 for the win.
Britney Spears is now trying her hand at acting. She's not doing too bad and she just needs a little practice. So shut up. I agree with Chris Crocker that Britney should be left alone, but I'm kind of disappointed with the attention-whorish way he went about telling the world. Get your emotions of your chest before you post your angry youtube video.
This is why I should be President.
-TS and BJ
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