Sunday, August 31, 2008
I officially HATE McCain
Whoop-de-fucking-doo. So he chose a lady as his VP. Does he really believe that Democrat lady voters will fall for this? Any stupid fuck with common sense can figure out that, had this whole Hillary v. Obama thing not went down, he wouldn't have chosen a woman. It's especially obvious now that Hillary has told her die-hard "McCain if not Hillary" voters that Obama is the better choice. Not to mention, she has all of three months of experience of being Mayor in Alaska. If he dies, what the hell is she going to do to control the country? She'll get walked all over!
Alaska, people. Seriously they're next to last when it comes to population. Gee, I'm so impressed that you had to have control over, like, 200 people.
And another thing, does he really think Democrats (Democrat ladies, to specify) are going to vote when his VP is so obviously pro-life, and voices it as much as she can?
Okay, some people say "She's the first lady VP! This is a chance for women's voices to be heard! It'll be an important historic event in the rise of femnism to power!" (<-- Or something like that).
This is NOT a plan to help get women into office. This is blatant manipulation to get more female votes for McCain.
This is why I (not McCain) should be President. (Alongside TS)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I Hate Miley Cyrus
Cyrus: "What I don't--what I really get teary-eyed about every time-- is that I'm not a mean person. But people write such rude comments about me.
So what? I'm assuming these "comments" she's talking about are made on the Internet. (I have seen quite a few of these blogs, but I'm not going to be mean and link to one of them. If you don't care about what people say on the Internet, eventually, the "Bash Miley" blogs won't matter.
Have some self respect. Do you really care what dorks behind the keyboard (including this one) say about you, when YOU know you're 1000 times prettier/nicer/richer/etc?
So my message to Cyrus is:
It doesn't matter what freak bloggers say as long as YOU know you're a good person.
This is why I should be President.
PS- Seriously, though, if you want gossip to die down try lying low for a while.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I Love Hope
There's a chance Hillary Clinton could be Barack Obama's VP (if he's elected). Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. It's one of these things probably:
1. WTF? You lyk Hillary CLINTON?! OMG, lol fag.
2. Um... I thought you and TS/BJ were supposed to be in office.
Well, unfortunately, TS and I cannot fix the country until 2028. But we'll totally fix it cause we're cool. Or we'll sit around drinking G33k B33r letting the Senate handle everything. I'm sure that's what Bush does...
Anyways, Hillary in office next to Barack Obama would be great. Now, why do I like Hillary Clinton?
Because she's a bitch. She won't let those mofos in the White House walk all over her. I'm pretty sure Obama doesn't know how to handle those guys, so if Clinton was his VP, at least SHE'D be the bitch walking all over him and fixing up the country.
It's no more different than the relationship between Bush and Cheney.
This is why I should be President (alongside TS, because the people running are unfit for the office right now)
PS- Um... Perhaps after the Presidential election, me and TS'll just move to Canada. WHOA! Hold it... not Canada...
Finland. Or Switzerland.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I Hate Meat
Animals have every right to be alive as humans. I mean, just look at this face: Can you really, in good conscience, eat this poor cow?
Because I could! Seriously, I don't care what the freakin' animal has been through, look at this:
Animal rights activists are insanely biased. They get all prissy when I get bored with my dog and go beat it with a shovel to death, but they don't care about my parakeet. Think about it, how easy would it be for me to go out into the garage and beat poor Oliver with a shovel?
Then again, how easy would it be for me to sell him at the next yard sale for $25? Pretty easy. In fact, I could sit out in my driveway, advertise with a few signs and someone would probably drop by within an hour. Of course, I love my parakeet.
Moving on with the argument, let's talk about some of the crap PETA does. I remember watching some of their videos of what goes on inside a slaughterhouse. It's propaganda we like to call "emotional appeal". Politicians (and lobbyists like PETA) use it all the time.
I mean, it's not like a slaughterhouse is going to look like the inside of Chuck E. Cheese. Well, I can't say for certain. . . I never did find out what happens to children who disappear in the tunnels.
PETA uses red paint to symbolize blood, and then destroys public property with said blood. That's called "vandalism" kids, and it's ILLEGAL. Can we spell I-L-L-E-G-A-L? That means PETA breaks the law every time they "protest".
For the closing argument, I will once again point to the picture of the delicious burger at the top of the post. Yes, meat is murder.
Tasty, tasty murder.
This is why we should be PRESIDENT.
-TS and BJ
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I Hate Make-Up
Every morning since seventh grade I have begun my day by applying various make-up products including foundation, concealer, eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, lip gloss, etc. For the first two years of high school, I refused to walk out the door without at least covering my skin with foundation. I felt like my natural skin wasn't good enough- it was too blotchy, too pale, or had too many pimples (even though, in reality, I don't even have a problem with acne). Very rarely did I wear make-up just for fun.
Which is what I'm going to rant about. I'm all for make-up, as long as it is used for fun. You know, to spice up your look or make a statement. What I absolutely can't stand are girls like I once was- girls who can't stand to leave the house without make-up, who have self-esteem issues up to here *motions very high up*. Because that's what make-up (specifically foundation) is to a lot of women- a way to "cover-up" whatever they don't like about themselves, instead of learning to appreciate themselves for what they are.
For most women, though, it's a societal issue. You never see women without make-up in the media, unless it's one of those "See What Cameron Diaz Looks Like Without Make-Up" pieces of crap. The funny thing is, a lot of times magazines (at least the ones I read) stress the "natural" look. Um, personally, if I want to look natural than I'll just be natural... why use make-up to look like you don't have make-up?
Yeah, so this is the total hypocrite part. I do have a lot of self-esteem problems, so I use foundation and all that crap. Not all the time... I'm trying to cut down and realize that my skin is perfectly fine without it.
So what's the big deal about using make-up products if people feel better about themselves? That brings us to my closing argument:
The ingredients in make-up are BAD for you.
This is why I should be president.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I Love Myself
I think it's pretty awesome... and so far it hasn't been too sore.
This is why I (and my awesome nose) should be president.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I Love China
This Just In...
Our President is a Total Pussy!
Skip to 2:00-2:26. It's the only thing of real importance, unless you actually want to know more of what's going on in the world. Bush talks about our relationship with China and how he "talked" to them and "told them he really disapproved of their human rights".
TS does not disappoint, which is why she now holds the responsibility of writing the Olympics blog. I'm just here to stall you.
This is Why I should Be President (alongside TS)
PS- New Link, it's even better than the first!
President "Pussy" Bush
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I Hate Cop-Outs
10 Reasons Why Breaking Dawn Sucks (with spoilers)
A link to another Twilight bashing site?! :o How lovely.
This is Why I Should Be President (alongside TS)
PS- I suppose one of us should take responsibility and do an article on the Olympics. Expect one of those very soon.
Friday, August 8, 2008
I Love Stephenie Meyer
If you know anything about TS and I, it's that we absolutely hate Twilight with a passion. If you look hard enough, you'll find the section in which we rant about it and point out all the things we didn't like, which basically sums up oh, the WHOLE ENTIRE BOOK.
If you are a die hard Twilight fan, please leave now.
If not, or if you can take a joke, please enjoy.
Well, it finally happened. What, you may ask, has happened? I have been scrolling the internet and amazon for reviews of "Breaking Dawn" and I found out that it was so terrible, even fans of the first three installments are complaining.
Finally, Stephenie Meyer has tanked so, so badly, that even her fans are realizing just how dumb the series really is. It's not about "love" and "sacrifice" and blah, blah, blah. It's about her Mary-Sue character. My theory still holds that Bella is not a self-insert character, but that Meyer thought of her so much as her REAL child that she wanted the best for Bella. Thus, gave Bella the perfect life with a loving husband, unlimited financial resources, and a baby. Despite the fact that vampires clearly cannot bear children.
So I thank you, for finally screwing it all up so bad that you've managed to piss off "loyal" fans. Now, I can rest at peace, knowing the popularity of Twilight is finally going to die down.
I swear to the Gods, if you keep milking this series with any other POV books besides "Midnight Sun" or whatever the hell it's called, I will rip out my hair.
This is why I should be President (alongside TS)
PS-- Ha! Managed not to post any spoilers, so flaming me won't do any good. If you'd like to see more in-depth reviews, here's a link to all 500 1-star reviews on even though you've probably already looked at them.
Click Here, Stupid.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I Love TS
If you'd like to know a little more about the candidates, I'd recommend visiting these two links below:
Not surprisingly, there's a lot more crap on Obama then McCain. A word to the Democrats: This was NOT the year to choose your risky candidate. Had you been smart and picked your safe candidate, we'd have this election in the bag because the idiot who could be my next door neighbor is in office. Seriously, what the hell were you thinking?!
TS and I could be blogging in the White House by now, but you just HAD to choose your risk. Damn Democrats.
This is why I should be President (alongside TS)