Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I Love TS

BJ here, and I'd just like to say that TS is full of wisdom when it comes to politics. (As long as she does her research, otherwise she's probably just pulling it all out of her ass.) Whatev. I do the same exact thing.

If you'd like to know a little more about the candidates, I'd recommend visiting these two links below:


Not surprisingly, there's a lot more crap on Obama then McCain. A word to the Democrats: This was NOT the year to choose your risky candidate. Had you been smart and picked your safe candidate, we'd have this election in the bag because the idiot who could be my next door neighbor is in office. Seriously, what the hell were you thinking?!

TS and I could be blogging in the White House by now, but you just HAD to choose your risk. Damn Democrats.

This is why I should be President (alongside TS)


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