Friday, August 8, 2008

I Love Stephenie Meyer

Let me just say this:

If you know anything about TS and I, it's that we absolutely hate Twilight with a passion. If you look hard enough, you'll find the section in which we rant about it and point out all the things we didn't like, which basically sums up oh, the WHOLE ENTIRE BOOK.

If you are a die hard Twilight fan, please leave now.

If not, or if you can take a joke, please enjoy.

Well, it finally happened. What, you may ask, has happened? I have been scrolling the internet and amazon for reviews of "Breaking Dawn" and I found out that it was so terrible, even fans of the first three installments are complaining.

Finally, Stephenie Meyer has tanked so, so badly, that even her fans are realizing just how dumb the series really is. It's not about "love" and "sacrifice" and blah, blah, blah. It's about her Mary-Sue character. My theory still holds that Bella is not a self-insert character, but that Meyer thought of her so much as her REAL child that she wanted the best for Bella. Thus, gave Bella the perfect life with a loving husband, unlimited financial resources, and a baby. Despite the fact that vampires clearly cannot bear children.

So I thank you, for finally screwing it all up so bad that you've managed to piss off "loyal" fans. Now, I can rest at peace, knowing the popularity of Twilight is finally going to die down.

I swear to the Gods, if you keep milking this series with any other POV books besides "Midnight Sun" or whatever the hell it's called, I will rip out my hair.

This is why I should be President (alongside TS)


PS-- Ha! Managed not to post any spoilers, so flaming me won't do any good. If you'd like to see more in-depth reviews, here's a link to all 500 1-star reviews on even though you've probably already looked at them.

Click Here, Stupid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To the gods? I didn't know you were polytheistic. And, I can't believe the words are coming out me mouth, but I comepletely agree. Of course, it helps that I wrote my own blog on BD, and it was not exactly the most flattering. However, at the same time it was also not completely degrading either. And your reviewer has some very good points.