Sunday, January 4, 2009

I Love Colleges

BJ wrote about her New Year's Resolutions, so I suppose I should write about mine. Here it goes:

1) Cut back on soda. Caffeine withdrawals SUCK!
2) Finish one of my stories (I have less motivation than BJ).
3) Stop biting my nails.

So I kind of cheated and I've already accomplished number 3... and I never said WHEN in 2009 I will accomplish 1 and 2... so I'm good the way I am for a while.

And all of this has to do with college. No, really, it does.

OK, it doesn't. You see, today I officially accepted my offer of admission to the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign (engineering major). Why so early? Because --get this!-- I'm also enrolled at St. Louis University right now (in a dual-credit course) until January 7, so... I'm in two colleges at once!

I think it's funny.

This is why I should be president.


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