Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Love Puppies

So, one of my parentals just got a job that pays lots of cash.

Which means, come spring tie, we'll build a fence.

Which means, come summer time, we'll get a puppy. And who doesn't love puppies?

I'll tell you who: Ann Coulter.

ANN COULTER HATES PUPPIES. D= From now on, this will be my new meditation mantra. "Ann. Coulter. Hates. Puppies."

But I don't.

This is why I should be President.



Anonymous said...

God that was funny.

Morgan said...

Wow. I can't believe I've never seen the link between Ann Coulter and puppies before. I think we should call her Ann Coulter:Puppy Killer from now on (or ACPK... pronounced "a-kuh-pa-k").