Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Hate Rolling

"Yeah, I totally support gay rights. But don't get me wrong- I don't roll that way."

How many times have you heard something like this? From your friends, family, coworkers? While not a blatantly homophobic statement (such as "I hate mother-fuckin' fags"... also heard quite frequently in the hallways), there's still something off about it. If the gay rights' movement is about equality, about respecting people despite their sexual preferences, then why is it so important to establish the fact that, while you support gay rights, you most definitely aren't gay yourself.

I catch myself doing this sometimes, assuring everyone that I don't "roll that way." But why? Is it really the most horrible thing in existence if someone thinks that you could perhaps be gay? It undermines the entire message of gay rights to be so adamant about your own "normal" sexuality. Although it's usually said in a joking manner, the message behind this statement (and others like it) is perfectly clear- "I'm a total hypocrite who is just as uncomfortable with my sexuality as you are with a ten-foot python."

So, while it is important not hide your sexuality, it's also important to stop constantly reasserting a fact that your friends most likely are aware of. If you really support gay rights, then stop continuing homophobic behavior by advertising your "normality."

This is why I should be president (because I hop instead of roll)

Monday, September 29, 2008

I Hate Stephenie Meyer... again

I know I'm a little late on her whole tantrum over Midnight Sun, but I'm busy planning for NanoWriMo, which I'm extremely excited for. Leave a comment, or email me if you're participating!

In case you're also behind on this news, Stephenie Meyer, author of the God awful Twilight books, threw a fit after one of her friends posted about 300 pages of Midnight Sun online. (Which I did not read, simply because I did not want to.) So, this whole thing is just a publicity stunt to receive more hype over Midnight Sun. Go look on youtube and look up something like "apologies to Stephenie Meyer" or something. Swear to God you'll find some of the creepiest videos ever. Seriously, this lady has a fucking cult backing her up (rumor has it she treats them like dirt, but not many have confirmed this. Comment if you've been to a signing, or have met her in person.) I mean, damn, she could say she's the next Jesus Christ, or Joseph Smith... she IS Mormon, right? Whatever, she'll say she's the next Joseph Smith and people will follow her to the ends of the earth, and then proceed a mass suicide (by cyanide of course) in her honor.

All because she wrote a mediocre vampire novel.

Now, why the fuck would you hand out 12 manuscripts to friends? Why not just have ONE copy and invite them over for tea, so they can criticize the manuscript right then? That way, you can go back and edit right away, and not have to worry about pages getting leaked.

On the other hand, I might actually respect her a tiny bit if she follows through with this decision. This might be her one chance to say "Maybe I should STOP milking this series" and really, truly stop, no matter how creepy the fans get. Anyone else expecting a real life version of "Misery"? *

However, even if she does stop, I still can't forgive her for being arrogant about "The Host" being made into a movie, and categorizing Twilight haters as if she knows us as individuals.

This is why I should be President.


*"Misery" is a Stephen King novel in which a hardcore fan tortures the author into writing another book about his most popular character, named Misery. Watch out, Meyer.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Hate Streets

Last night, BJ and I went to the homecoming game at our high school (which we unfortunately lost). While there, we realized that, while we were wasting away in the bleachers, Obama and McCain were duking it out on national television. (Yeah, I know- we should be on top of these things, but we were slacking). So when we got home, we stayed up until 1:00 am to see a re-airing of the debate. Granted, I don't remember much because I was half-asleep, but I do recall one thing.

Freakin' streets.

Both candidates were doing it- "We need to help Main Street as well as Wall Street." I would guess that each candidate repeated a version of this overused metaphor at least 10 times. Find a different way to say it! After the second or third time, it becomes completely ineffective and loses its meaning. I personally was already sick of it by 1:00 am today, and hearing our presidential candidates conform to such a boring cliche infuriated me.

Learn some new metaphors. There are many other ways to compare rich people to the middle-class. Use them.

This is why I should be president (because I am original).
_TS and BJ

I Love Comments: The Sequel

I've learned that it's not how long the post is when it comes to comments... It's what you say.

So, here's a list of simple things to say to motivate people to comment.

Twilight is the worst book I've ever read. It sucks balls.
(Insert Celebrity Name Here) is such a skank/whore/ballsucker/asshole/etc.

On a scale of one-to-ten, how much does your period suck?
(Post a picture. Then begin to insult yourself and call yourself ugly. It's called "fishing for compliments".)
Twilight is gay.

I would totally bang (Insert Celebrity Name Here)
I'm a chick, and I love South Park and video games. (Can be neutral, as well.)
I have huge knockers.
Abortion for the win! (Also neutral, but mostly guys say it's "wrong".)

This is why I should be President.

-TS and BJ

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Love Comments

OK, so I was going to label this post "I Hate Comments" due to the recent enflux of Love posts from BJ, but then I realized that that would be stupid. Because i do like comments.

At least, comments that are relevant to the post. So far, there have only been three comments which really made me go "WTF?" The most recent one was on BJ's "I Love Fridays" blog.The comment was about His Dark Materials, which, um, isn't exactly about Fridays. So, as much as comments rock, it's not helpful if they are completely off-topic.

I remember one on one of our recent political blogs where the commentor rambled on and on, calling us "sheep" and "cattle." I'm not going to put someonedown for insulting us, but the problem was the nature of the insults. In the blog I wrote on Palin, I never said I supported her. I specifically said that, since she was Republican and inherently anti-feminist, I would not vote for her. On BJ's blog, she was completely anti-McCain.

So, in conclusion, comments are good. But two rules:

1.) READ the post you are commenting on
2.) COMMENT on the subject of the post

This is why I should be president.

I Love Top Model: Cycle 11

Really, I do. The girls are WAY more memorable than last season's girls. I could give you a list right now of people I love, like, hate, and sort of dislike.

Love: Sheena, McKey, Marjorie, Annaleigh, Isis

Like: Brittany S. (Nothing Memorable about her, at ALL, though), Lauren Brie, Elina (almost at love), Joslyn

Hate: Clark, though she didn't seem as bigoted in this episode.

Dislike: Hannah. Really? You're going to let a few comments bring you down? Just say you're not racist!

Glad Nykesha went home. It would have been WAY too redundant to have her win unless they gave her a full-blown makeover, cause she looks so much like Saliesha. The way Sheena stepped forward and admitted that her breasts were fake was pretty cool, so she stepped up a bit in my book. But if she doesn't get rid of that hooch, I'm gonna miss her. =(

Who else can't wait until makeovers? What the hell are they gonna do to Elina? Dye her hair pink? (They already shaved Clair last cycle, so that's been done)

Hope Isis does way better next week. It would be a shame for her to go home after making it that far. Show us how fierce you can be, girl!

Clark, stop taking good pictures and go home.

This is why I should be President


PS- Perhaps I will post something political.... someday.......

Friday, September 12, 2008

I Love Fridays

I think everyone does, unless they're some sort of weirdo who, you know... DOESN'T like the end of the week.

Nothing much political has happened... So here's a boring-ass reviews of BJ's week.

Monday: Gossip Girl was awesome, and definitely the highlight of my day. Why are Ed Westwick and Leighton Meister so hot?

Tuesday: Got contacts, so my glasses won't fog up every time I get hot, yay! Sure was a bitch getting them out, though.

Wednesday: Top-Model, obviously. An in-depth review will probably be posted when I get to see the entire episode. Did anyone else see the preview for the new Gossip Girl? Hot stuff.

Thursday: Young Democrats. Drawing posters is fun and we had cupcakes. Went to a baseball game for TS's birthday, didn't get to shower or sleep for very long. Still kind of fun.

Friday: Going to a party, later.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a shower and a nap.

This is why I should be Pres


Saturday, September 6, 2008

I Hate You All

This blog brings my piss to a boil. Firstly, it claims to be a "blog for women", so I got really excited. Then I realized, it's just like every other fucking gossip blog out there (hey, I read AND watch Gossip Girl) and reads like a stupid magazine.

I read the first five blogs, hoping to actually find something about fitness, feminist issues, and dating tips. Instead, I got bombarded with stupid shit about celebrities I don't give a fuck about. Even better? They have what they like to call "Celebrity Flaw of the Day".

Don't even get me started on this. Katherine Heigl has cellulite? So does every other fucking individual that has that healthy little ounce of fat we're apparently NOT supposed to have. What kind of message is this sending to women? "Cottage cheese glory"? What the hell?

Fuck you. Katherine Heigl is gorgeous, and you're jealous because you're not making millions of dollars every time you're in a movie, and I'll bet none of these idiots that write this shit even look good in a two piece. Why should we give a damn, anyway?

I can't believe people write this stuff and claim that "women" are their target audience.

This is why I should be President


PS- Two blogs in one day? Cookies for me, that quite an accomplishment! ;)

I Love My Dad

So, I told my Dad I was going to join Young Democrats, right? Well, he joked about it probably because he didn't think I was serious.

Last night, I told him I was officially Democrat.

Silly me, I might as well have just told him I was pregnant or something, the way he reacted.

"Dad, I'm gay."
"No, you can't decide that until you're 18. Good one, BJ."

"Dad, I'm pregnant."
"Hm... I could've sworn I bought you birth control."

"Dad, I'm a Democrat."
pause. "You know, BJ, Democrats are lying, worthless cheaters who don't deserve to be in office."

I'm not actually gay or pregnant, I'm just going by what he would probably say. And we had the most hardcore debate about politics ever.

This is why I should be President


PS- Oh, and to whoever left that comment on my "I Hate This Election" post, I give a big Thank You. I haven't laughed that hard since I saw the South Park episode, "Proper Condom Use". But next time, try actually reading the blog you comment on. Because not once in that blog did I say that I supported Palin or say you should vote for her. I only pointed out some of the good things about her, since everybody else is dissing on her. So, while we appreciate the comment, try reading the material first.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I Hate This Election

Ugh, we're all sitting around, crossing our fingers for our candidate (whoever it may be) to win. It's so nerve-racking because this is the person who is going to control our COUNTRY for another 4-8 years.

As a Democrat, I am happy to report that Obama is still ahead in the polls... By five percent. That's still ahead, and a sign that this will probably be one of the closest races in history. Even closer than the 2000 election, which still pisses me off and makes me think that the electoral college is pointless shit. Just go by popular vote. Now Gore's gone insane and is yet another liberal that makes us look bad.

Like TS said, Palin isn't a bad person. Now, I don't know about her, but I just don't trust Palin. She's got this dark eerie aura looming over her... like she's waiting for her chance to... you know...


To some people, that might sound random. But let me clarify that it's an inside joke Democrats made to counter the "You're killing the baby by supporting abortion you baby killer!!!"

Sarah Palin is really a Democrat deep down. She's just spent too much time in Alaska.

This is why I should be Prez.


PS- If you really don't want a certain candidate to win, wrap yourself in seaweed and chant their name. Then do this in front of a mirror and realize how much of a douche you look like.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Love Sarah Palin

Wow, I think a little part of the donkey inside me just died. Because I do not mean this sarcastically. Surprisingly, I have a great amount of respect for Palin, even though we have severely different opinions on quite a few things.

Like abortion, equal pay, etc.

But other than that, and her lack of experience (nice job on the hypocrisy, McCain), I kind of like her. She signed the bill which allowed the construction of a natural gas pipeline in Alaska, which I would normally be against. But... I did research. And concluded that it was a nice piece of legislation (I won't tell you why... do your own research).

Besides that, she isn't completely in favor of abstinence only sex-ed, which I thought. McCain is, which is why I'm still totally voting against him. But this blog isn't about him. Also, despite being a Democrat, I'm mostly pro-gun. So that isn't a major issue with me, but I can fully understand that other Democrats would despise her for that.

The only problems I have with her are GLBT rights and her anti-choice stance. For instance, she believes that abortion should be completely banned except in cases where the mother's life is in danger (which, ironically, is the only pro-abortion stance I can somewhat respect*). She also believes that intelligent design should be taught in public schools. Enough said.

So, while I do not support the Republican decision to name her VP (for sexist reasons), I respect her as a person.

BJ already ranted on McCain, but I felt that I should mention some good stuff about Palin to supplement it. Because I still despise McCain.

This is why I should be President (because BJ would be a great VP!)

*By this, I am referring to the fact that she does not support abortion in cases of rape. I consider that extremely hypocritical, since the main reasoning behind the pro-life argument is "it's a baby", and under that argument then a baby conceived out of rape is the same as any other baby.

I feel I should be commended for not mentioning the pregnancy issue, which was very hard considering the talk about it. ((I'll do a blog on that, but it'll take a few days because my computer is dying piece-meal.))

Monday, September 1, 2008

I Hate Disney

I've finally figured it out! I've finally figured out why I lose more and more brain cells every time I watch a show on Disney!

It's the laugh track! Seriously, how annoying is it when a character makes the lamest one-liner ever and all you hear in the background is "HAHAHAHAHA". It sucks right?

Well, Let's look at all of the shows guilty of overusing the infamous Laugh Track, shall we?

Hannah Montana
Suite Life (I'll be honest, though, I actually like this show)
Wizards of Waverly Place
Cory in the House
That's So Raven
As the Bell Rings

Not Guilty:
Lizzie McGuire
Life With Derek
Phil of the Future

Sad, ain't it? The LT shows outnumber the Non-LT shows by two-to-one. Even more sad is the fact that the ones WITH the LT are generally more popular. Life With Derek is pretty good even though they only come out with new episodes for it once in a blue moon, whereas Hannah Montana is constantly coming out with new shit.

This is Why I Should be President


PS- I know I don't get sappy very often, but pray for those peoples in New Orleans, will ya? Second 5 cat. hurricane in the span of 3 years. That must suck ass.