Monday, September 29, 2008

I Hate Stephenie Meyer... again

I know I'm a little late on her whole tantrum over Midnight Sun, but I'm busy planning for NanoWriMo, which I'm extremely excited for. Leave a comment, or email me if you're participating!

In case you're also behind on this news, Stephenie Meyer, author of the God awful Twilight books, threw a fit after one of her friends posted about 300 pages of Midnight Sun online. (Which I did not read, simply because I did not want to.) So, this whole thing is just a publicity stunt to receive more hype over Midnight Sun. Go look on youtube and look up something like "apologies to Stephenie Meyer" or something. Swear to God you'll find some of the creepiest videos ever. Seriously, this lady has a fucking cult backing her up (rumor has it she treats them like dirt, but not many have confirmed this. Comment if you've been to a signing, or have met her in person.) I mean, damn, she could say she's the next Jesus Christ, or Joseph Smith... she IS Mormon, right? Whatever, she'll say she's the next Joseph Smith and people will follow her to the ends of the earth, and then proceed a mass suicide (by cyanide of course) in her honor.

All because she wrote a mediocre vampire novel.

Now, why the fuck would you hand out 12 manuscripts to friends? Why not just have ONE copy and invite them over for tea, so they can criticize the manuscript right then? That way, you can go back and edit right away, and not have to worry about pages getting leaked.

On the other hand, I might actually respect her a tiny bit if she follows through with this decision. This might be her one chance to say "Maybe I should STOP milking this series" and really, truly stop, no matter how creepy the fans get. Anyone else expecting a real life version of "Misery"? *

However, even if she does stop, I still can't forgive her for being arrogant about "The Host" being made into a movie, and categorizing Twilight haters as if she knows us as individuals.

This is why I should be President.


*"Misery" is a Stephen King novel in which a hardcore fan tortures the author into writing another book about his most popular character, named Misery. Watch out, Meyer.

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