Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Hate Rolling

"Yeah, I totally support gay rights. But don't get me wrong- I don't roll that way."

How many times have you heard something like this? From your friends, family, coworkers? While not a blatantly homophobic statement (such as "I hate mother-fuckin' fags"... also heard quite frequently in the hallways), there's still something off about it. If the gay rights' movement is about equality, about respecting people despite their sexual preferences, then why is it so important to establish the fact that, while you support gay rights, you most definitely aren't gay yourself.

I catch myself doing this sometimes, assuring everyone that I don't "roll that way." But why? Is it really the most horrible thing in existence if someone thinks that you could perhaps be gay? It undermines the entire message of gay rights to be so adamant about your own "normal" sexuality. Although it's usually said in a joking manner, the message behind this statement (and others like it) is perfectly clear- "I'm a total hypocrite who is just as uncomfortable with my sexuality as you are with a ten-foot python."

So, while it is important not hide your sexuality, it's also important to stop constantly reasserting a fact that your friends most likely are aware of. If you really support gay rights, then stop continuing homophobic behavior by advertising your "normality."

This is why I should be president (because I hop instead of roll)


Anonymous said...

God, your guys blogs are so witty and smart. Yeah, I get what you mean and everybody does it, but come on, it's just something fun to say. And deep down we all want to assure we aren't lesbians in front of our friends, it's different and you don't want your best pally thinking you've got the hots for her. Gays will always be judged just like blacks (I seriously feel someone might shoot down Obama in the near future), women and religion. I think that we all have bad and good quality's it's all about our upbringing that affects us when we become adults. I'm okay with gays, I actually don't like to say the word faggot, but fag is just dandy. It's not that it means anything to me the word persay, but sexuality is your own business and I think it should be more discreet. No one should be hurt or verbally abused by what hole they shove something in another persons body (That sounds quite disturbing). We're all human, well besides all the other organisms that are... not. Basically, I don't really pay too much attention to gays, I have no friends that are homosexual/lesbian. It doesn't really seem like a big deal to me, they shouldn't be treated like crap is all. But then again I have to admit that lesbians totally don't bother me but when I see a guy kiss a guys, I'm pretty much like: "Oh that's kinda gross". That sounds pretty bad, but it may be cuz I'm a chick and I can see myself kissing like me? With long hair and no muscles and everything but short hair and tight abs kissing each other? Just total french kissing, wow. I don't wanna see it, actual I don't like to see others hardcore kissing so whatevs. One thing I really dislike though is when they make shows like "Queer eye for the straight guy" it completely stereotypes gays and the new episodes are rather dumb and can still make homosexuals seem lame and feminine. Though I truly do like to say gaying it all up. Holy crap sorry for making this so long. When I give my opinions they're super awesome to me, but pointless and mundane to others. :P

Morgan said...

Well, I'm not comfortable with gay or hetero couples totally frenching in public. There was just an article in our school paper about how this one chick in S.T.R.I.D.E (The gay/straight alliance club at our school) kept persisting that she was, in fact, straight. Most of the time if people are gay, it's pretty obvious, and besides, who really cares who they're attracted to, as long as they are decent human beings.
Also, crab people made "Queer Eye For the Straight Guy" to take over earth. Yeah, just putting that little detail in the clear. ;) What I hate more than anything is when people like Chris Crocker get all this attention, and it goes to their head and they think they're just the greatest thing since sliced bread. People like Chris Crocker get on my last nerve because they think they are "helping" the gay community when really, it only makes people more homophobic and leaves them wondering if ALL gays are like that. On my last note, gay people should let "fag" mean something like asshole (in the terms of someone being an asshole as in, "That guy is such an asshole") because there are heteros that I think are fags/assholes.