Saturday, September 6, 2008

I Hate You All

This blog brings my piss to a boil. Firstly, it claims to be a "blog for women", so I got really excited. Then I realized, it's just like every other fucking gossip blog out there (hey, I read AND watch Gossip Girl) and reads like a stupid magazine.

I read the first five blogs, hoping to actually find something about fitness, feminist issues, and dating tips. Instead, I got bombarded with stupid shit about celebrities I don't give a fuck about. Even better? They have what they like to call "Celebrity Flaw of the Day".

Don't even get me started on this. Katherine Heigl has cellulite? So does every other fucking individual that has that healthy little ounce of fat we're apparently NOT supposed to have. What kind of message is this sending to women? "Cottage cheese glory"? What the hell?

Fuck you. Katherine Heigl is gorgeous, and you're jealous because you're not making millions of dollars every time you're in a movie, and I'll bet none of these idiots that write this shit even look good in a two piece. Why should we give a damn, anyway?

I can't believe people write this stuff and claim that "women" are their target audience.

This is why I should be President


PS- Two blogs in one day? Cookies for me, that quite an accomplishment! ;)


Anonymous said...

Heigl is "thought" of as sexy and she is paid millions to look sexy. She obviously does not look good in a bikini.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100% with your blog. As a guy I can confirm that Heigl is both talented and very sexy - absolutely gorgeous in fact as far as I am concerned. She looks great in a bikini too.

Morgan said...

Anonymous: So? Many, many women's bodies aren't exactly made for two-pieces, but they still look great in things like jeans, mini-dresses, and skirts. If that's the worst "flaw" they can find on Katherine Heigl, then they obviously need to look elsewhere, OR just stop giving a damn about celebrities.